Celebration of Life for Mama T.
Today we said goodbye to Mama T…it was beautiful to see so many of those she loved gather to remember her. We heard messages of hope and acknowledged her significant gifts to our squad by announcing the creation of a scholarship in her name.
Thank you to our colleagues at Chesterfield County Fire and EMS for the honor they provided her by having several apparatus and staff attend her celebration. Particular thanks to Truck 9 for their help in flying the flag over us.
To all FVRS members who helped in parking lots, cleaned an ambulance, moved chairs, got flowers, or even just attend today’s event…thank you. Your gifts today were a reflection of your love for her.
Also a big thanks to our brothers and sisters at Bensley-Bermuda Volunteer Rescue Squad for providing coverage so that all our members could attend AND our area of Chesterfield still made safe. We appreciate you!